RCCG builds hospital, renovates chapel at Kirikiri Prison


The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Worldwide has dedicated Kirikiri Maximum Reference Hospital and a renovated Liberty Chapel for the inmates of Kirikiri Maximum Prison in Lagos.
The church also held a thanksgiving service at the Liberty Chapel in the prison recently. The two properties were dedicated by Pastor Joseph Obayemi, national overseer of RCCG, who represented the general overseer, Pastor Enoch Adeboye.
Speaking at the biannual holy visitation service, Obayemi enjoined the inmates to thank God in all circumstances, remarking that nothing was impossible with Jesus Christ.
Obayemi, who is also a member of the governing council of RCCG, anchored his message on Psalm 95: 1-7.
He told the inmates to be hopeful and steadfast, expressing the conviction that they would regain their freedom someday. Many of the inmates heeded the altar call and he prayed for them.
Earlier, in his welcome address, Pastor Tunwashe Kabiru, the host pastor of Liberty Chapel, noted that the core of a Christian life is obedience to Jesus’ instructions, one of which is in Matthew 25:36, 40.
He remarked that the biannual divine visitation had always been a time of expectations and blessings, adding that, in appreciation of what God has been using the general overseer and RCCG to do, it was a thing of joy to itemize what the church has done for them and also use the occasion to present new requests.
For instance, in 2010, RCCG World-wide renovated and equipped the National Open University (NOUN) Special Study Centre and also renovated the Liberty Chapel for the inmates.
It also granted scholarships to students until NOUN recently gave them 100 per cent free education; renovated and equipped a computer centre for them in 2012; increased the breakfast for them on Sundays; and paid medical bill of a certain Ighalo Joel who in the course of exercising on the field fractured his leg.



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